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We are Now MSC Malaysia Status

We have always constantly thinking about how we can add value in what we do everyday here. Doing what we do, we are always on our toes in innovating new ways of producing world class Joomla solutions. Yes, we receive many a praises, and also a fair share of dissatisfactions from our customers but we think it is all part of growing.

In life, we go through stages from learning how to walk to become a full adult with responsibilities, and as a company we are nothing less than that – to grow with the times.

On 22nd July 2009, we were awarded MSC Malaysia status. It wasn't easy or difficult to obtain it but just that we had to put together proofs that we are worthy of this. But after years of persistence and positivity, it's finally an additional feather on the cap for us!

A little bit of history here. MSC Malaysia used to be called as Multimedia Super Corridor when it first started in 1996. The then prime minister of Malaysia Dr. Mahathir Mohamed had a vision to develop the country in the IT and communications sector, hence, the MSC was formed to put the country on the world's stage. To put it even simpler, it is the Silicon Valley of the East!

For a company to be awarded MSC Malaysia status, there are lots of incentives available. And how do they benefit us, you asked?

Well, for starters, it saves us a whole lot of taxes and this means we have more funds to fuel our research and development activities. There are a whole list of benefits in their website but I particularly love these – it makes us feel very lucky.

So there, this is just the beginning of our quest to take on the giants. Wish us luck!


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