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Jomsocial 4.5.4 major release for 17 more video channels support, new features, improvements and bug fixes

JomSocial 4.5.4 release for new features improvements and bug fixes

Hi Guys,
In the previous preview blog post for Jomsocial 4.5.4, we shared the list of the new video providers and more improvements. Today, we are happy to announce that JomSocial 4.5.4 is now available for download. This is a major release with 17 new video providers support, message and chat improvements, user data delete option for GDPR and bug fixes.

17 more video providers support :

Add Video on a community site play an important role to share information and memories. In the recent time we got requests to add more video provider support for Popular videos channels. As we promised in the preview blog post we have implemented 17 New video providers support that include facebook videos, SoundCloud, Flicker video etc.

Before, we supported 5 video channels:

  1. Youtube
  2. Vimeo
  3. DailyMotion
  4. live leak
  5. Metacafe

JomSocial 4.5.4 now supports 17 more video channels:n

  1. Facebook Videos
  2. Flickr Videos
  3. SoundCloud
  4. College Humor
  6. Funny Or Die
  9. (China)
  10. MySpace Videos
  11. Rutube (Russia)
  12. Sapo Videos (Portugal)
  13. Twitch
  14. vbox7 (Russia)
  15. Veoh
  16. Videa (Hungary)
  17. Youku (China)

JomSocial 4.5.4 relased for video support

Check Jomsocial demo site here to see how the video feature work.

How to add video?

To add a video in Jomsocial you only need to copy the URL of the video and paste it in the Video post.

JomSocial 4.5.4 relased for video support

Full-width video or thumbnail video option:

In this release, we also added separate option to change the video thumbnail size in wall stream.: full width or thumbnail

JomSocial 4.5.4 relased for video support

How to Enable this option ?

This option is disabled by default. To enable this option, navigate to Jomsocial video setting page and enable option Full-width Thumbnail size.

JomSocial 4.5.4 release for new features improvements and bug fixes

Control Chat Notifications :

In the previous release the unread chat notification are automated and admin are not able to control them. In JomSocial 4.5.4, we added option so admin can enable/disable the notification and set notification basis on days. On frontend users can also enable or disable the email notification for chat/messages.

How to configure this option ?

To change the notification settings, open Jomsocial Configuration > Message/Chat > Duration of unread notification and set the no. of days for notification interval.

JomSocial 4.5.4 release for new features improvements and bug fixes

Mark All as Read :

A new option to mark all message as read so you don't need to read each chat message, you can mark all chat as read.

JomSocial 4.5.4 release for new features improvements and bug fixes

Delete profile data option

In Jomsocial 4.5.3, we added the consent checkbox in the registration form for GDPR. This feature is improved in JomSocial 4.5.4, it allows users to delete their community date such as profile details, videos, status, photos, event etc.

Improvment on profile deletion option :

We modified the delete profile option in Jomsocial to improve the delete action. Before Delete action button only disable the user account and does not allow user to delete his community data, With this option, he can delete the community profile date.

JomSocial 4.5.4 release for new features improvements and bug fixes

Note: This option will delete JomSocial profile only. To delete Joomla account or data stored by 3rd party extensions we recommend using the free JA GDPR extension from JoomlArt.

Bug Fixes :

  • Messages daily limits
  • Google authentication login issue
  • Cannot unassign member to group
  • Modification to include in source code to fix emails in RTL mode
  • Can`t show photo after sharing on group page, need reload page to show
  • Adagency ads not showing in Jomsocial public stream
  • Chatbar - User cant receive attached file from sender
  • Missing language on mass messaging

How to Download and Upgrade

  1. Check the system requirements Here
  2. Create a full Backup your website
  3. Make sure you are running minimum JomSocial 4.4 or JomSocial 4.5 version
  4. If you use JomSocial 4.3 or lower - Make the tier upgrade as explained in this doc
  5. & update Jomsocial with > 4.3 > 4.4 > 4.5.x
  6. Download JomSocial 4.5.4 from new unified download system here
  7. Install the package installer file
Note: If your site is using a very older version of Jomsocial kindly Create a shadow copy of the site & Upgrade Jomsocial. For any error in updates, Report the Issues on support forum Here

What is Next?

We have plans and list of to-do work for JomSocial, for more details, please check our roadmap:

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JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a
full -fledged, social networking site