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JomSocial 4.6.1 released for colorful status, improved sharing feature and bug fixes

JomSocial 4.6.1 release for a new feature improvements and bug fixes

We are happy to announce JomSocial 4.6.1 release for colorful status, improved share button and 11 bug fixes. In the last released we shared sneak peek of colorful status.

Please check the release details below:

Colorful background status :

JomSocial 4.6.1 release comes with this cool feature that allows you to add status with colorful backgrounds, The community wall looks more pretty with a neat and clean wall status on different backgrounds. The user will have options use older way to post a status or not with simple clicks. By default 10 backgrounds images come with the release and more background can be added by site admin.

JomSocial status update

JomSocial status update

JomSocial status update

How to manage backgrounds :

In JomSocial backend we added a new option to manage the background status. It allows admin to do the following options :

  1. Upload new background
  2. Unpublish backgrounds
  3. Delete background

JomSocial status update

Upload new background :

This option will allows you to upload new background images with different text color.

 upload JomSocial status update

Improvement: Add Social share buttons for Wall steam activity

Share button allows sharing photos, videos on social channels. Before the share button used to share the content only on Jomsocial wall stream. The older option is now working as share on the timeline with social share.

 share JomSocial stream items on social media

Bug Fixes:

  • Cant see full text when sharing on firefox
  • Got error after edit privacy of video post
  • Cant show information when share a poll
  • Facebook button is not rendered
  • [Share] Emoji is displaying incorrectly after shared
  • Popup is gone away after select privacy on iphone/ipad
  • Description is displayed not nice on photo popup
  • Cant show description after adding
  • [Share] Emoji displays error when edit shared post
  • [RTL] Shared post displays incorrectly in RTL language
  • Not display emoji on photo's description

How to Download and Upgrade

  1. Check the system requirements Here
  2. Create a full Backup your website
  3. Make sure you are running minimum JomSocial 4.4 or JomSocial 4.5 version
  4. If you use JomSocial 4.3 or lower - Make the tier upgrade as explained in this doc & update Jomsocial with > 4.3 > 4.4 > 4.5.x
  5. Download JomSocial 4.6 from new unified download system here
  6. Install the package 4.6.1 zip installer file

We also released JomSocial themes updates to support latest Jomsocial style. Kindly download and install latest version of JomSocial themes to get best community experience.

Note: If your site is using a very older version of Jomsocial kindly Create a shadow copy of the site & Upgrade Jomsocial. For any error in updates, Report the Issues on support forum Here

Let us know in the comment section below what you think about this release.

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