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JomSocial for WordPress - PeepSo

As we worked to create the best social networking extension for Joomla! we were often asked if we could do the same thing for WordPress.

We thought about that. And we figured… hell yeah!

We hired the very best WordPress developers we could find, people who had been doing it for years and knew WordPress inside out. We showed them JomSocial and we told them “We want a powerful, scaleable plugin that’s as good as this.”

It took us a while—seventeen months to be precise—but we got there: an amazing new social networking plugin for WordPress!

Introducing: PeepSo!

PeepSo is amazing. It works flawlessly inside your WordPress site and has many of the familiar features you love in JomSocial. It’s light and super-easy to set up. PeepSo's version is currently RC4, which means it's still in beta but pretty much ready to be stable at any moment.

PeepSo Profile

FREE Download

The core of PeepSo is free. It has a stream, profiles, settings, alerts and more. We also offer seven premium plugins for just $30 each. Each plugin adds a feature to PeepSo, making it so much more powerful. Check out the list of plugins here.

Plugin Bundles - Save Up To $90!

We offer two plugin bundles that will help you save you a ton of cash! Take a look at our pricing page to compare the offers.

20% Off Just For YOU!

This bargain is all yours. Because we love that you love JomSocial, we’ll give you 20% off all our premium PeepSo plugins and discount bundles today. Just use the promo code jomsocial when you check out. This promo code will expire on Monday, July 20th, at midnight (PST).

Re-Tweet And Get A FREE Premium Plugin

If you have more than 1,000 Twitter followers, re-tweet the following post and we’ll give you a free PicSo plugin (for sharing photos on the stream)! That’s a $30 goodie just for posting a tweet. You’ll need to keep the tweet exactly the same to be eligible.


  1. Visit
  2. Re-tweet on an account with more than 1,000 followers.
  3. Complete this form.
  4. Find the plugin in your account within 48 hours.


JomSocial has a gazillion fantastic features. Does PeepSo have all of them?

Not yet, but we’re getting there. We’re now working on groups, events, multi-profiles and custom fields.

What was your guiding principle as you built PeepSo?

We wanted to build a lean but scalable application. We wanted the core to be free, with plugins added as needed. Customers who didn’t want a huge application with every possible feature could just plug in what they needed. It allowed us to keep PeepSo very stable and very manageable.

What took you so long?

It was hard! And we wanted to do it properly. We didn’t want to cut corners or release something that wasn’t completely ready. We focused on a scalable architecture that complies with all the WordPress standards and code that is completely Object Oriented. We also took the time to create automated testing so that every feature is thoroughly tested before every release.

Will PeepSo work with my WordPress theme?

Most likely. We tested PeepSo with fifteen of the most popular free themes and they worked fine.  If you encounter any incompatibility, please post a question on our forum and we’ll help you out.

Can I try it out free?

Sure! PeepSo core is totally free and can be installed through the WordPress admin (Plugins->New->Search for PeepSo). If you want to play around with the premium plugins, just login to our demo site. Here’s a comparison table that contrasts the free core version and all the plugins.



I hope you are as excited as I am about PeepSo! I would love to hear what you think, so please comment below.

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JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a
full -fledged, social networking site