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New front end enhancements on JomSocial 3.1

Much of the work we put into JomSocial 3.1 went into the backend. We created a brand new admin and added a ton of new features. But we also improved the front end. We received a lot of requests and we’ve managed to add a whole bunch of the:

Cover photo placement

We didn’t get a chance to enable the repositioning of cover photos in JomSocial 3.0. It was the top request for the next update. It’s there now.

Videos are clearer and smaller

One of the things that always bothered me was that the videos on the stream were big and blurry. We shrunk the video screen by half. They’re now the same size as the videos on Facebook. We also created a new code for fetching the thumbnails from YouTube. Now when you embed a video from YouTube, your post will have a clear thumbnail.

Photos comments on the stream

Thanks to some great customer feedback, we discovered that the wrong comments would sometimes show up on grouped photos. It’s now fixed. Big thanks to Victor, Craig and everyone else who pointed it out. The feedback was very helpful.

Smaller cover photos on the stream

When we switched to a modular front page, users who took out all the modules saw their images stretched 100 percent. It didn’t look good. So we shrunk the pictures by 50 percent. Now it looks a lot better.

Better organized photo albums on the stream

The photo albums container used to be too big and the photo thumbnails would sometimes appear out of bounds. This issue is now fixed and the photo albums look great on the stream.

Uploading mobile photos and linking videos

The delay in implementing photo-sharing on mobile devices was due to a limitation in iOS. Apple have fixed that problem and we’ve been able to put this feature back on the stream. Now you and your members can share mobile photos directly on the stream. You can also share videos using a video URL. Uploading videos on the stream using mobile devices is planned for version 3.2.

What’s next on the front end?

The next version of JomSocial, version 3.2, will be dedicated entirely to the stream. You can see a list of everything we’re planning on our roadmap. It will not only have all the functionality you’ve been asking for but also a brand new design that we’re sure you’re going to love.

When will a stable 3.1 be released?

Any moment now...stay tuned!

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