Hi, Guys,
for the JS Friends Suggestion module could you add a button to "pass" that friends suggestion and show a new one please. Thank!
question: allowing Custom Activity, what will be the options? what are the changes? thanks!
Hello, quick question: is there a way to reset the profile views?
Hello, whats going on? friday i read that socialize was free for pro and supercharged, now they changed only to supercharged. I see many complaints, people fired... Is Jomsocial trustable?
Question: How can i configure that to send a message you have to be friends first? thanks!
hello, guys!
I was checking Peepso and i saw a very nice chat... why cant we have it here in Jomsocial (joomla)? or should we move to Peepso (wordpress)? I know both Peepso and Jomsocial are yours... thanks!
the facebook login button is not showing anymore...any one has the same problem? thanks!
hi, i think there is a but when you login with facebook and update your avatar, i deletes your profile picture...
The number of points in the backend does not match with the js top members. js top members always shown less points.
1 quick question: where do I find the ini file for "Enter location name..." when editing the profile? thanks!
You are now friends with gustavo
You are now friends with gustavo
looks real nice this new version!!!
Could u raise the question on tech support channel with details, So we can check it for you. 7 years ago