A screencast showing how to add karma points to a profile page without the need for external modules or plugins. A quick and simple call can display them anywhere especially next to the karma graphic.
This video is requested by a member of the Tips & Tricks community inside Jomsocial.com.
Craig LueckeThe code snippet used in the video: - <?php echo $user->_points; ?> <?php echo JText::sprintf( (CStringHelper::isPlural($user->_points)) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_POINTS' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_POINT' ); ?>11 years ago
Viktor One point to add this excellent tutorial is i suggest you use template override rather than directly edit to com_community/templates/default/.. coz if you do "the core hack" your changes is subject to get wiped out when jomsocial got new release.. so you need to create regular template override by create com_community/html folder inside your template folder and copy/paste the core files there...One point to add this excellent tutorial is i suggest you use template override rather than directly edit to com_community/templates/default/.. coz if you do "the core hack" your changes is subject to get wiped out when jomsocial got new release.. so you need to create regular template override by create com_community/html folder inside your template folder and copy/paste the core files there before you make any changes... this is also the reason why people like to use language override coz you don't want to everything revert back to default when you make an upgrade.Show more11 years ago
testcouchhey Craig, thanks for your tutorial about JS Points in Profile. i use since a long time the Extension Alphauserpoints and it would be nice if you could create also a Tutorial Video for this, so that we able to show AUP Points instead of JS Points in Profile! Thanks 11 years ago
Open Source Social Networking Software. Award winning open source community software by JomSocial. This social networking software is widely used by many Joomla users.. Hi,…