Can anyone please tell me what is here in forum post provided as solution, because i can't see replies anymore! or is there a working plugin for 3.2.6 and 4.0 on the market?
Open Source Social Networking Software. Award winning open source community software by JomSocial. This social networking software is widely used by many Joomla users.. Hi,…
@[[112770:contactaul]] When will your Developer provide a well documented and working API for Jomsocial 4.0 with JSPT Component? - feeling shocked
Open Source Social Networking Software. Award winning open source community software by JomSocial. This social networking software is widely used by many Joomla users.. hey,…
i say goodby to everybody here! my subscription will end in 3 days. after this date i have much more freetime then ever before! - feeling happy
"As a bugfix release, brings no major new features. We focused on fixing avatar and cover issues with external storage, and improving the overall stability of the component."
--> i have installed but my issues with avatar and external storage are still no fixed! - feeling angry
Find out what JomSocial is up to, news, tips, changes and more!
i'm just wonder why this fix was not added to all prevous Js Releases? a very old issue with email notification link is now fixed..thanks Albertus! - feeling happy
Open Source Social Networking Software. Award winning open source community software by JomSocial. This social networking software is widely used by many Joomla users.. Hi…
@Paul there are 112 Topics about Confirmed Bug in Support Forum..35 of them wth status Pending Support, 51 of them with Status Pending Customer. Can you please go trough the Forum because there are many of topics wich are comfirmed from Moderator as Bug but since over 2 Month no fixes added!