Customize your online community
JUJSEvent for JomSocial (Full Free) - multifunctional module for displaying posters in the social system JomSocial. DOWNLOAD: Update - 11.04.2011: 1. Joomla 1.6 compatible; 2. Auto upd ...
Tigra template framework allows you to customize your social community entirely to your liking. With simple drag & drop feature any area is movable, scalable, shape-able. New version 3.2.1.x also brings the new feature Profile Designer, where you can a ...
If you would use JomSocial for a school website you like different types of profiles for students, teachers and other staff. Obviously the fields used in the teacher's profile are going to be different from the fields in the student's profiles. OR You are ...
What if you could install a JomSocial template and easily transform your regular Joomla site into a slick, professional social network powered by JomSocial? Now it’s possible with the Socialize template by JomSocial. While JomSocial will work with a ...
This package of 10 plugins integrates the following parts of Jomsocial into Joomla search routine. * User * Custom Profiles * Photos * Photoalbums * Groups * Discussions * Bulletins * Videos * Events * Files The plugins are offering lots ...
Russian language pack for JomSocial 3.0.4 Установочный пакет русского языка для компонента JomSocial 3.0.4 Перевод компонента JomSocial Локализация компонента JomSocial (административная часть) Локализация компонента JomSocial (фронтальная часть) ...
Who saw mine profile? And when? Have you ever wanted to know, but you were unable? Now you can. Profile Viewers plugin, is an utility that will allow your users to track every single visitor of their profile and it will display the visitors avatars wit ...
Bonjour, Vous pouvez trouver ici la traduction de JomSocial 3.x compatible avec les anciennes versions aussi. Package complet Il peut y avoir des interprétations de traductions que vous aurez à corriger Le plus gros est fait, donc à vous de jouer. Tr ...
Deutsche Sprachdateien für JomSocial sowie für alle mitgelieferten Module und Plugins. Die Sprachdateien sind sowohl formal als auch informal verfügbar und können bequem über den Joomla Installer installiert werden. In der Regel wird das Sprachpake ...
Description: Need to add interactivity to your site? Look no further; CometChat is the leading chat solution for your site which will help you grow your customer base exponentially, drastically increase the time spent by users and add hundreds of new f ...
JReviews is for anyone who needs a powerful review website or advanced content management capabilities. It will also extend the power of your Joomla and Mambo website. * Works with and enhances the core content system, so that you can still take ad ...
Graffiti Wall is an extended product having default JomSocial functionality. It will be particularly interesting for those who enjoyed using the embedded Wall in previous JomSocial versions. Take pleasure in using the embedded Wall in JomSocial up to 3.x! ...
With SocialAds, you can be setup in minutes ! With a super intuitive Ad Designer, flexible targeting options and quick checkout flow ensures that your Advertisers have the best experience of banner ads and actually enjoy advertising on your site. Socia ...
Now compatible with JomSocial 2.4.1!! The anticipation is over, is proud to finally announce the release of our brand new JomSocial Template "agilesSocial". Bringing a minor piece of facebook flare with loads of configuration options to ...
Target Any Ad Based on JomSocial Profile Info - Want to show your ads only to women? - Want to show your ads only to people with a college degree? - Want to show your ads only to women over 30 with a college degree? jomsocial ad targeting Easy! S ...
!NOTE: We inform you that we have developed a new maps component, enhanced with many new features. Visit new site: ____________________________________________________ JomSocial Member Map is a Module that Shows Avatar's me ...
This JomSocial Plugin lets you add an unlimited number of menus by simply pointing to a Joomla menu. Usage is real simple. The plugin has a configuration option for you to tell it which Joomla menu id to use. I recommend just making a new menu for JomS ...
Linguaggio Italiano per JomSocial Italian language for JomSocial Da installare nel lato amministrativo di Joomla. To be installed in the administrative side of Joomla