Customize your online community
Target Any Ad Based on JomSocial Profile Info - Want to show your ads only to women? - Want to show your ads only to people with a college degree? - Want to show your ads only to women over 30 with a college degree? jomsocial ad targeting Easy! S ...
Da installare nel lato amministrativo di Joomla To install on admin of joomla Verranno presto aggiunti degli aggiornamenti di versione del file per un miglior adattamento alla nostra lingua italiana. Will soon be added to the update file version fo ...
Google Ads is the best plugin an administrator or webmaster can have. Why?, Because it generates a lot of AdSense income for your website. Jomsocial Google Ads fills a huge gap in jomsocial native plugins by allowing you to display your google ads inside ...
"Bombastic" income generator for jomsocial based websites. For the past months, TechGasp is actively solving the outstanding issue of lack of income for all the jomsocial based websites. With this fresh new plugin, Groupon for Jomsocial, you can finally ...
How about automatic income for your jomsocial based website! Sound like a good plan?! We are proud to announce that we integrated the amazon deals network into jomsocial, having steady revenue from jomsocial websites is now a breeze with Google Ads for Jo ...
Bring your friends and give them a gift. You will get a special access or a gift to you in the same time. Sponsorship reward increase automatically your members by creating an affiliate program. Now fully integrated with Jomsocial registration. Examp ...
With SocialAds, you can be setup in minutes ! With a super intuitive Ad Designer, flexible targeting options and quick checkout flow ensures that your Advertisers have the best experience of banner ads and actually enjoy advertising on your site. Socia ...