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- JomSocial 2.0
- JomSocial 2.2
- JomSocial 2.4
Now compatible with JomSocial 2.4.1!!
The anticipation is over, is proud to finally announce the release of our brand new JomSocial Template "agilesSocial". Bringing a minor piece of facebook flare with loads of configuration options to the typically boring JomSocial extension. Most notably is the new Sidebar module which has been incorporated into every JomSocial page. Now users have a one stop link location to the most frequently viewed pages of their profile, friend's profile, and group pages.
Now we're sure you wondering how exactly the Sidebar operates, and while making everything work seemlessly together has been a slightly sophisticated process the end resultis quite simple. The template determines the owner and the view of each and every JomSocial page. If you head on over to our demo site, you will notice that if you are viewing items that belong to you (i.e. your profile, your videos, your events, etc.) the Left Sidebar displays Your Profile Picture and links to Your Items. However, if you are viewing another member's profile the Left Sidebar displays Their Profile Picture and links to Their Items. Pages that are universal to all members (All Groups, All Events, All Photos, All Events, etc.)will always display Your Left Sidebar.
Most importantly, we wanted to be able to distinguish between Items (photos, videos, events, etc.) that are owned (or created) by Groups with those that are owned (or created) by Users. This is where we added "Sm" to "art" and created the first ever "Smart" template for JomSocial. In the simplest terms, if an item (event, photo, video, etc.) is created by a user, Your Left Sidebar is always displayed. However! If the item is created by a Group, a new Left Sidebar is introduced which contains the Group Avatar and links to popular items within Group Pages!!
It was vital for us to expand upon the individual preferences of all our customers, and with you in mind we have created a large number of customizations options.