Customize your online community
Traducción al español para JomSocial 2.4.2 Si quieres colaborar pudes hacerlo en If you want colaborate with other translations you can do it ...
Traducción a español para JomSocial 2.4.2. Si quieres colaborar con las traducciones puedes hacerlo en If you want colaborate with other translations you can do it at ...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUEVO: Actualizado a JomSocial 4!! Marzo - 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Incluye correcciones y revisión de consisten ...
Here it is - finally! The translation for probably the smallest market :) Please, consider giving a donation:
Subir via FTP a las carpetas de idioma. No es mi traduccion, la encontre por algun lado y la comparto porque puede ahorrarle mucho trabajo a alquien. saludos
The SimplChat Component for Joomla! and JomSocial handles the integration between your JomSocial web site and the SimplChat group video chat. SimplChat is a really simple and easy to use video chat for your web site, it uses Flash technology to deliver ...
Svensk översättning till JomSocial 2.0.4 Front End. .ini-filen är nu identisk med den engelska och innehåller de rader som saknades i 2.0.2-filen, samt en rejäl uppdatering i text och meningsuppbyggnad. Skulle det finnas stavfel eller meningsuppbyggna ...
SefTranslate component permit translate yours Joomla site content to all language what Google Translate support. This component for SEO and SEF, it permit extend yours site content in some times. More languages - more big yours site That component ...
Spanish Translation for Email Notifications - V.1.8.7 Just Upload the files to this folder in your server: /components/com_community/templates/default
In the File: 1.- README file 2.- Front End .ini File 3.- Modules and PlugIns .ini Files 4.- PlugIns .XML Files. (This is for the Desciption in the Front End) 5.- PlugIns installable Spanish Files When you go to the Application Tabs and you see a ...
Hello, here is the latest swedish language file for version 1.8.3 Remember to change the filename to sv-SE.com_community.ini after download. (I.e: delete the version number.)
With SocialAds, you can be setup in minutes ! With a super intuitive Ad Designer, flexible targeting options and quick checkout flow ensures that your Advertisers have the best experience of banner ads and actually enjoy advertising on your site. Socia ...
It allows you to search the picture albums with the standard Joomla! search.
This plugin allows you to search the JomSocial Group Bulletins with the standard Joomla! search.
This plugin allows searching for JomSocial groups with the standard Joomla search.
This plugin allows you to search the JomSocial users with the standard Joomla! search.