I would like to shorten the registration to just one page.
What I did for now is using the option to show surname and lastname which is already predefined.
Now, in the same manner I would like to show a salutation option which is e.g the same as gender option in JS just with another name and to show on first page of registration
Xristoph Conrad@[[5481247:contact:Zurkster]] why does the JS system shrink these attached images? I can't read it9 years ago
UweDear Zurkster, thanks for that information. But with first Page of registration I do mean register.index.php where usually username, email and password are requested.
Additionally I want to gender field to display on this page but since...Dear Zurkster, thanks for that information. But with first Page of registration I do mean register.index.php where usually username, email and password are requested.
Additionally I want to gender field to display on this page but since these fields are almost the regular joomla registration fields I don't get the gender within there.