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Tell me how to reduce the links in groups? Who can help? Make as in profile, with a choice of links.
Before JS4 a field was shown in profile since when the user has been registered to the site. That field is unfortunately missing. Would it be possible to add this field to the profile designer? Would be nice to have it back.
Otherwise I'd prefer a message in com_community/templates/layouts/profile/focus.php in line 180 like
echo "Member since ".date("d.m.Y", strtotime($user->registerDate));
Would like to be able to hover over a member's name and have it display two options, add friend and private message.
Was a fix created for version to allow us to delete categories and groups? I'm stuck with a screen full of categories, groups and photos that don't supposed to exist after me deleting them on the back end.
Este campo PODE Ser Mais larga Pará Obter Palavras em Uma Única Linha.
Seria Possível also Incluir Icones e Linha de Separação Entre ELES? Seria muito bom para o designer de JS4.