Hello guys!
Anybody know how to stop jomsocial sending missing message alert to the users?
Hello guys, i'm looking for suggestion on that:
I need to create a new site and import all member from my existing site, more than 12,000 users, so what you guys suggest, create new site and then import the users table, to the new database? i don't want to have just the user, i need their profile can be imported and they can login in the new site with the old site credentials, i will appreciate...Hello guys, i'm looking for suggestion on that:
I need to create a new site and import all member from my existing site, more than 12,000 users, so what you guys suggest, create new site and then import the users table, to the new database? i don't want to have just the user, i need their profile can be imported and they can login in the new site with the old site credentials, i will appreciate jomsocial team suggestion or any who are familiar on that.
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Hi every one!
I'm looking for any third part extension to make jomsocial members look as Tinder do, so other member can like or dislike user profile picture, this gallery just show user avatar, to surf for multiple users picture, as tinder do. or i want to suggest this Feature to Jomsocial team, so how can i proceed? Jomsocial user voice is still working?
Hi every one!
Does Anybody know about any extension to make jomsocial work as a tinder? that mean swipe photos of members, please check Tinder app or Tagged as a many Dating site use that feature.
Hello people!
Any body who can tell me how find Notification Mail to User plugin? i need this asap, i can;t see it on Joomla back end.
Hi every one! I'm planning to move my site to another hosting provider, but I think it's better to get a clean install in the new hosting and then migrate the users, what you guys think is the best option, what is your suggestion? my site has more than 7,000 registered user, so what is the best option? Thank you very much.
Facebook connect is not working in my site, anybody know about any facebook change?
Hi every one! i need the link for jomsocial user voice, last night i took advantage of the ijoomla offer, so i got iSeo and AdAgency for the price of one , but before checkout the shopping cart, i was required to login, as i lost my password i spent time to reset the password, but after that i realized that to change the password i need also my username, so i have to make other request to get my...Hi every one! i need the link for jomsocial user voice, last night i took advantage of the ijoomla offer, so i got iSeo and AdAgency for the price of one , but before checkout the shopping cart, i was required to login, as i lost my password i spent time to reset the password, but after that i realized that to change the password i need also my username, so i have to make other request to get my username, I also had a very very week and slow internet connection at this moment, so was horrible and the offer almost expire, so what i mean is, that username is a headache, because it's easy to forget when you have a lot of accounts in different places online, but email you never forget, that why Facebook do this, i use to use a plugin in my site called 'email as username', but after some... Show more - at MSC Cruises Long Term Parking
Hi every one!
I can not see my recent post under My Post tab in the forum, only old one are present any help on that?
Anybody know the documentation to setup Distance Awareness?
Hi every one! i'm looking for setup location on jomsocial 4.3_beta_2 i can not get to show distance as in the demo PFA prntscr.com/df4g1b any help or this feature is not include yet?
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Hi guys, any issue with joomla 3.6.4? can i update?
Hi everyone, anybody know if Ad Agency allow to display external ads like google adsense in jomsocial stream?
Hi every one! Anybody know what i get if install jomsocial 4.2.4 on a hosting company with this: PFA prntscr.com/clacp6
Best Regards to all
Romulo Ruiz
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