Customize your online community
Jomsocial Persian language dedicated to all Iranian user . Complete Front-end and Back-end Translation for Jomsocial 2.4.2 Unzip and upload to folder fa-IR in Joomla! root language and Administrator language . Contact : Abdulhalim.po[at] ...
Persian (Farsi) language for JomSocial Pro version 2.8.3 Complete Front-end and back-end and all applications and modules. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- زبان فارسي براي جومسوشيال نسخه 2. ...
Galician language for Jomsocial, version 2.4 ; 2.6.x ; 2.8.x. (updated to 2.8.4) Language for Admin, Frontend, Modules and Plugins. Idioma galego para o JomSocial. Están as versións 2.4; 2.6.X e 2.8.x (ata a 2.8.4) Inclúe o idioma para a zona de Adm ...
First jomsocial translation to lithuanian language, fully translated and updated component and modules. if you find any grammar mistakes please inform us soon as possible. Good Luck, Sėkmės
Full Estonian translation for JomSocial (v1.5.237) File can be installed with Joomla! installer.
Jom Social translation for danish version 1.5.243 Consider donating a link to for the translation please :-)
It is based on the danish translation I use at DANISH Her finder du en dansk sprogpakke til JomSocial 3.0.4. Den er væsentlig bedre end den der findes på Transifex - hvis du skal spørge mig. Der ligger 1.5år løbende sprogrettelser bag. ...
Bulgarian translation of JomSocial - ver. 1.2.204
Bulgarian translation, which uses the same style as the translation of Joomla! itself. The ZIP file is installable (download and install via the Joomla! installer). Български превод, който използва същият стил, както и превода на самата Джумла! ZIP ф ...
It is Korean translation(UTF-8) for Jomsocial 1.2.204!
It is Korean translation(UTF-8) for myBlog 3.0.328
Thai Languages for Jomsocial (1.5.x)
99% แปลอาจจะตรงบ้างไม่ตรงบ้าง ใครเอาไปปรับปรุงแล้วแก้ไขแล้วส่งมาแบ่งปันกันได้ครับ ส่งกลับมาได้ตามที่อยู่เว็ป
The language pack contains the language files for the site front-end and modules
Here it is - finally! The translation for probably the smallest market :) Please, consider giving a donation:
This file contains the Hindi language translation files for the following components: Joomla Core JomSocial extension and modules Jbolo chat
This translation is based on the version JomSocial 2.2
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JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a full -fledged, social networking site