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Language file for jomsocial.
for jomsocial 1.5.248
Greek lang file for jomsocial 1.6.284 by
Greek Language translation for JomSocial 1.8.7 Edit: Updated with more translated strings up to 1.8.8
This is the full version of the Greek language (site and admin) and not some kind of mickey mouse files translated from Google. A Team of 3 people spent a lot of time for this excellent version.
The full JomSocial Greek language, both site and admin, is always updated to the latest version. Note: You need to be registered to download it! Η πλήρης Ελληνική μετάφραση του JomSocial πάντα ενημερωμένη στην τελευταία του έκδοση. ΣΗΜ: Πρέπει να είσ ...
Manually translated JomSocial language files in Greek! Credits : Pavlos-Petros Tournaris([email protected]), George Tsifrikas([email protected]) Update : v0.1 - Removed useless words!
Hi Guys, here comes the first and only translation of jomsocial to Swedish, this version is 1.6.254. but works without problems for jomsocial v 1.5.248 ;) Dont hestitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hello, here is the latest swedish language file for version 1.6.285 Remember to change the filename to sv-SE.com_community.ini after download. (I.e: delete the version number.)
Hello, here is the latest swedish language file for version 1.8.3 Remember to change the filename to sv-SE.com_community.ini after download. (I.e: delete the version number.)
Svensk översättning som gett till mig
Svensk översättning till JomSocial 2.0.4 Front End. .ini-filen är nu identisk med den engelska och innehåller de rader som saknades i 2.0.2-filen, samt en rejäl uppdatering i text och meningsuppbyggnad. Skulle det finnas stavfel eller meningsuppbyggna ...
Swedish translation for Jomsocial 2.6. Transifex project:
This is the default english language file that is shipped with JomSocial.
English language
Jomsocial in Farsi language. جوم سوشال به زبان فارسی. اگر ایرادی در ترجمه وجود داشت لطفاً به من ایمیل بزنید. [email protected]
jomsocial Persian language in Afghanistan for iran & Afghanistan and Tajikistan people
با درود خدمت همه پارسی زبانان دنیا! افتخار این رو دارم که نسخه 2.2.4 جومسوشال رو به زبان شیرین پارسی ترجمه کردم. و آن را به همه پارسی زبانان دنیا تقدیم می کنم. خوبان پارسی گو بخشندگان عمرند ساقي بده بشارت رندان پارسا را Hi all! This is sweet Pers ...
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JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a full -fledged, social networking site