The string COM_COMMUNITY_FILES_UPLOAD_BY which is in english:
Uploaded by %1$s in %2$s %3$s
Adds the word "Bulletin" at the end. As far as I can see, first and second variable are correctly processed.
3$s not
The string is used here:
(only visable on test site at this moment)
Of cause you have to set language to Dutch to see it.
Go to bottom of page and press More (Meer). In the dialog box is is displayed at the bottom of each file.
I'm not sure what should be displayed there sine "bulletin" looks to be accurate. All the links from this area are opening page from a category bulletin.
If You want to change the 3rd value than the code for that part is in /component/com_community/templates/jomsocial/layouts/files.listing.php:
<p class="uploaded"><small><?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FILES_UPLOAD_BY' , $userlink , $_data->parentName , $_data->parentType );?></small></p>
BULLETIN is not just the right word in Dutch.
In the Dutch translation the word GESPREK is also used in translation files.
So why is BULLETIN shown while in the language files it is translated into GESPREK.
Or is the word BULLETIN hard coded? If so then that is an error which should be fixed, because than there is some hardcoded language.
As far as I can see the string $_data->parentType provides the UNTRANSLATED value instead of the TRANSLATED value.
Trying to make a copy of Your site since morning, but the package keeps disappear. Are You deleting them? Please leave it so I can make a copy of Your site to scan.
This "bulletin" is not taken from translations, but from aliases in joomla. This is why I need to scan it to answer exactly.
Ok, got to the bottom of this function and it was never supposed to be translate. It's simply showing a type of am entry:
public function getParentType($obj)
$obj->parentType = 'discussion';
$obj->parentType = 'bulletin';
$obj->parentType = 'event';
$obj->parentType = 'profile';
$obj->parentType = 'group';
return $obj;
It was never designed to be translated. I've added such possibility for You with this small change to the previously mentioned code:
<?php $dataparentType = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_'.$_data->parentType); ?>
<p class="uploaded"><small><?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FILES_UPLOAD_BY' , $userlink , $_data->parentName , $dataparentType );?></small></p>
Please now translate those extra values:
Okay, no problem to translate, however ...
- Have you put the strings in transifex for me to translate for Dutch language? Where to translate them?
- You have changed the code. Is it in overwrite mode on site now? Which file? Or should I change again after update?
- Will change be added to next update of Jomsocial?
COM_COMMUNITY_discussion = "gesprek"
COM_COMMUNITY_bulletin = "mededeling"
COM_COMMUNITY_event = "bijeenkomst"
COM_COMMUNITY_profile = "profiel"
COM_COMMUNITY_group = "groep"
File is as mentioned before: /component/com_community/templates/jomsocial/layouts/files.listing.php
It's in JS template, so it should not get overwritten, but of course You can move it to overrides just in case.
The translations simply can be added to joomla's /language folders.