Good afternoon. Tell me how to translate the name of the module. This instruction does not work:
If I change the name through the administrator panel, then when you go to English, the Russian name of the module is saved.
Privet Misha.
Thank you for contacting us.
The same way you did for JS Members - just change module title while editing it usual way :)
Hello, Michał (or also Misha)). When I switch to English in the profile settings, the Russian names remain, but I want the English to return. I attached explanatory pictures. Thank you.
Привет, Миша (Michał). Когда я перехожу в настройках профиля на английский, русские названия остаются, а я хочу чтобы возвращались английские. Прикрепил поясняющие картинки. Спасибо.
Privet Misha.
Yes, module titles are not a subject of change when you switch language. You need to duplicate modules and set them for your second language.
Unfortunately this is how it works in Joomla!
As for chat, please, check this:
Thank you.
But I can not translate this any way:
( Jomsocial Chat Bar (Conversations) )
Thank you.
JomSocial 4.5.1
Privet Misha.
I explained this in linked topic.
Just use language constant - add it to your Russian language file or use Joomla! language override.
Privet Misha.
LOL, and didn't check the forum :P