when a user creates an article in frontend and clicks on add media file button he receives the error message:
"Not Found
The requested URL /component/publisher/index.php was not found on this server."
What can we do to solve this ?
Please edit your first post and submit the site credentials with FTP for mods/staff.
I will check the issue directly on your site.
Ok, we added admin information. As we do not use ftp please feeel free to install a file manager if you need access to some files or just let us know.
For this issue I made some changes in: "components\com_publisher\views\articlesedit\tmpl\default.php" file. Please make a back-up to this file before upgrade, this is a custom change.
For Guru issue with quiz submit, the issue is that your page is automatically translated and this action change some HTML variables, for example:
"task" to "aufgaben" (/component/guru/aufgaben?tmpl=component)
Kind Regards,
Hi, thanks.
Is this custom change because of an issue with the publisher pro extension? If yes, i think it can be bugfixed with next update? But of course we followed your advice and already backuped the file.
Yesterday we could not make a direct repeat of a failed test. Now we even can not end a test? We get an error message showing a totally wrong path..
You say automatic translation will change your code? I do not know what this should be? But the path you write: "(/component/guru/aufgaben?tmpl=component)" is already wrong. There is no guru folder.
I guess guru has the same bug as publisher pro? There was a wrong path, too. publisher instead of com_publisher. Seems to be the same problem with guru?
Rellay need your help to fix the problems with guru....
Alin Dinca wrote: For Guru issue with quiz submit, the issue is that your page is automatically translated and this action change some HTML variables, for example:
"task" to "aufgaben" (/component/guru/aufgaben?tmpl=component)