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Jomsocial Profil :where to change this color in Jomsocial Pro with Flat template
I would like to know where to change this color (indicated by the arrow in the picture joint) in Jomsocial Pro profile page (with "Flat" template) ?
Many Thanks
Jomsocial Pro 4.5
Flat Template Jomsocial 1.02
JomSocial ActiveGURU ActivePublisher ActiveAdAgency ActiveiSEO ActiveSocialize Active
You can change the colours from Jomsocial > Theme designer > colors > element colors > Toolbar.
If you face issue to change the specific colour, kindly share a site URL here
Or edit your first post and submit site details for staff (Require help from Admin/Mod?)
I tried to change the color to black 050505 but the color is always light grey.
to go to the log page :
to go to the profile page :
Many Thanks for your help
Best regards
JomSocial ActiveGURU ActivePublisher ActiveAdAgency ActiveiSEO ActiveSocialize Active
My access is blocked on your site from admin tools component :http://prntscr.com/i4tydr
Please allow me full access so that i will have a look on it.