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Forbidden error

9 years 8 months ago
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when logged in JomSocial Profile. go to FRIENDS > SEARCH and try to search "Wendy" it gives a

"Forbidden" error:

"You don't have permission to access /index.php/community/search on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

9 years 8 months ago

Hi, Jeff.

Your site is unavailable:

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9 years 8 months ago
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Now its working, please check.


9 years 8 months ago

Hi, Jeff.

Ok, site is working.. but credential seems not :) Could you check them?

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9 years 8 months ago
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I think we got the "Wendy" issue resolved, however we found another "Forbidden error" message.

1) One of my site admins found a user "butlerthe.master" making inappropriate posts. He deleted the post and banned the user. I went to check to ensure he was banned through the front end and when I clicked on "Friends" then the page reloaded and I clicked on search and searched his name (as shown in the "Forbiddenerror-1" attachment) I got the forbidden error message ("Forbiddenerror.jpg" attachment).

2) In the "Forbiddenerror-1" attachment the "Search" button in the pop up disappears when clicked, do you know what causes that?

3) and 4) in the "Search-2.jpg" and the "Font-login.jpg" attachment some of the information is not readable and looks really unprofessional. Can you direct me to what files and lines controls that css code?

Kind Regards,

9 years 8 months ago

Hi, Jeff.

Please provide us with working administrator credentials.
I can't login to your site.
Please, edit your first post and add credentials to corresponding fields.

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9 years 8 months ago
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I had included the information on the last post, I posted. I went back to the first post and updated that information as well. I also tried to get those images in order last night to make it easier to follow what I was speaking of but regardless of how many times I edited it it would place the images in random positions.

9 years 8 months ago

Hi, Jeff.

As for font color, try to add this to your current template main css file:

#community-wrap a, #community-wrap p, #community-wrap span {
color: inherit !important;

Forbidden error... Your settings are fine... I'll bet on server issue... but I'll assign developer to this thread to also take a look.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
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9 years 8 months ago
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Hi Jeff,

Regarding fobidden error I suggest you contact your hosting provider, because this issue only happens for keyword "wendy", I tried another keywords and working fine.

thank you

9 years 7 months ago
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Advanced search is working, but when users on advanced search page and than click on "search" than in a pop-up box for search when i am searching of any name, it is not showing the correct result, it is simply than redirects to all users page, and when i am searching name "butlerthe.master" it is showing forbidden error.

can you please check this, and give us the solution why search is not working.


9 years 7 months ago
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Hi Jeff,

#1 the search button caused by your jomsocial menu structure, you have conflict with this menu "Find Friends", for fixing his you should change that menu id is smaller than menu id 123 (menu id from search menu)

#2 regarding forbidden error, I suggest you contact your hosting provider, because it only happens on some keywords, random issue actually.

thank you

9 years 7 months ago
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i Changed the find friend menu id to 100 now, but search is still now showing results. problem is not fixed, can you please check.

9 years 7 months ago
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Hi Jeff,

Ok I think you need change this menu "find-new-friends" and use external URL instead, set the URL to this page " "

I hope it will fix this.

thank you

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