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Dynamic Fields on Registration

10 years 3 weeks ago
  • Avinash's Avatar
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I want to enable users to add more than one College/University as part of the Profile information. This needs to be done dynamically.... for eg add another university and multiple fields appear. I understand this is not possible currently... but is it possible for a developer to do the same within jomsocial (would the component support the change?) and would it be searchable

Please let me know


10 years 3 weeks ago
  • David's Avatar
  • David
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Hi Avinash,

this is possible if you already had developer who is really understand about our system.. if your developer really understand about our system, all customization they made must be compatible with current jomsocial version but remember, maybe on next version your customization is incompatible because we change the code as we need for bug fix, or improve other features.

this is list of Jomsocial Developer :)

Warm Regards,


Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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