Hi Guys,
So when I create a quiz in my course and try to view it I just get a white/blank page...
Any help to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
So that we can check it on your site,
Could u submit the site super user details and FTP details of the site in private reply for Mods/ Staff?
Also, check you are using the latest version of Guru on your site.
Hi Pankaj,
Thank you for the prompt response, I have added the Super User details for you.
Please also take note, when I add a menu item "Course Category Layout" and open the page I also just get a blank white page.
the submitted super user login details are not working :
Please check and correct them.
I tested the Ijoomla menu on your site that displays the category layout.
Open site homepage add /index.php/ijoomla
It shows the category layout without any error.
For the Quiz just noticed you have one quiz added for a teacher, to test this i created a menu quiztest and added Jomsocial as a teacher and assigned this teach to the quiz.
open the quiz menu it also showing fine.
please test and let me know in which part you have this blank page issue step by step.
Thanks, I saw that the Category Layout displays fine now.
The quiz is still blank page, to view this follow the following from the homepage /index.php/induction
I have added 5 lessons and then at the end, I have a quiz. When opening the quiz the quiz does not display but I get a blank/white page instead.
See attachment
Hi Pankaj,
I managed to figure out what the issue was - The quiz had an "End Publish" date set on it and expired. I set the expiration date and it worked fine after fixing the dates.
Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
The ticket has been resolved and can be closed.