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Why is there no way to create a custom field that can ONLY contain a number?

6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active

I just bought JOMSOCIAL and am familiarizing myself with it. I have two issues so for that there does not seem to be a capability for:

1) I would like to define a custom field that is forced to contain a number ONLY. This does not seem to be possible and I am surprised by that.
2) Along the same lines, I would think that for a field that is numeric when searching the field you should be able to select things like: This field is between x and y. etc.

Those so far are my two big disappointments with JOMSOCIAL. Am I missing something or are these things really not possible?
Thank you

Jim Locigno

6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active GURU Active Publisher Active AdAgency Active iSEO Active Socialize Active


Yes I'm afraid those extra fields are a little bit limited with their validation rules, but You may try to use a different registration component capable of using more advanced options. Unfortunately I cannot advertise different companie's products here, so won't be able to help and direct You to an advanced registration system.

6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active

Mmmm. This is severely disappointing. I will look for advanced registration system but I suspect I will not be able to use JomSocial. It seems to me JomSocial custom fields and search profile form has a LONG ways to go before it is remotely useable. It's too bad because the rest of JomSocial seems to be really good.


6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active GURU Active Publisher Active AdAgency Active iSEO Active Socialize Active


I'll put into suggestions to extend validation options for custom fields. Simply noone has every asked for that before. Anyway using a 3rd party registration will replace the one from Jomsocial only, so rest of the features will still be accessible.

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