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Map location and location field in profile page

6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active

It worked fine in the beginning ( 2,3 weeks ago) but not anymore.

1. if I try to post on activity stream wall, and select a location for it, it will give me an "Oops! Something went wrong." message. (see the first attachment for details).
2. also the location field in profile page: before it was enough to start writing the name of location (town) and the form found it and iserted it after enter. not anymore.

I suppose is somehow rellated to geo-settings and custom fields, but i was not able to get it work again.

The google api key is set.

I would appreciate some help. Thank you. Added some login details for mod.

6 years 11 months ago
JomSocial Active GURU Active Publisher Active AdAgency Active iSEO Active Socialize Active

I checked your site and the error is from the API key you are using.: InvalidKeyMapError
Kindly create a fresh API for your site and add it again here:
It should not be restricted to HTTP only.
let me know if it helps.


The following user(s) said Thank You: Beniamin
Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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