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Slowness of Jomsocial - very frustrating

7 years 7 months ago
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We have started to use jomsocial , but find it to be very slow. All our users ( we have users on from all over the world, so far only about 550 registered users) and many are saying that moving around the site is very slow.

We have paid good hosting to a hosting company, and they have have said that:

", but the last time I looked at this we suggested that the issue was with the website itself and the amount of calls/images it was trying to load. We also said that if you can provide us evidence of a server side/configuration issue we will happily look into the matter for you. Up until now I've not heard anything back from the developers on if they have investigated the issues or done anything to try and improve the experience for your users."

So, our hosting team are saying it IS the jomsocial website itself which is a problem

This is very frustrating as we want to get hundreds of thousands of people on this site

7 years 7 months ago
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Hi Martin,

To make your site faster you can use cache system like jotCache.

Anyway, you are not detected as our valid members, can you provide me you purchase number? or maybe your account already expired, please renewal it to get further support

thank you

7 years 7 months ago
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Our developer has now said this:

I've been looking into this, and I think it's down to the SEF URLs component on the site as it stores all the URLs in the database - Currently there are around 600 users, but each user will have quite a few URLs for events, contacts, groups etc so the total number of URLs is closer to 12,000 currently.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's a quick/easy way to fix this without either disabling SEF for Jomsocial or increasing the resources/MySQL optimisation on the database server - Increasing the resources on the servers may help in the short term, but moving forwards the speed issue is likely to return.

Any advice?

7 years 7 months ago
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Hi Martin,

Please try to disable module members, query on that module is big-huge.

thank you

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