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8 years 3 days ago
  • Martin's Avatar
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1.please can you advise if joomsocial is modified and customised within joomla based paremeters of software technology

2. Can it sustain a global number of users and handle multiple concurrent users and any point in time.

3. What is the maximum number of users that the platform can allow users to professionally connect and interact with one another.

4. Does it have features such as "People You May Know" and how accurate are the results?

5. If people create Events, and its a worldwide networking platform, say someone creates an Event in the UK, would this event be shown to somone who logs in from Canada? Can the events be only shown to people particular to their city and country, rather than having Events all around the World shown to a person who has joined the site from a particular part of the World?

8 years 3 days ago
  • Dimas's Avatar
  • Dimas
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Hi Martin,

Thank you for your interest on our product :)

1. Jomsocial is based on Joomla component, and it open source so you can modify it as you want, but for any modification issue is beyond our support
2. I dont understand with this one, can you explain more, please?
3. Its unlimited, but this is depend your server, make sure your server can handle the big data connections.
4. We have the module for this :)
5. To achive this you need hack the core code

I hope these answers will help :)


Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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