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Migration of user profiles from phpfox to Jomsocial

9 years 10 months ago
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I have an existing phpfox social network (latest version) and I would like to purchase Jomsocial Supercharged but would need migration assistance with my existing user profiles and several basic blogs and their comments, within phpfox. Most of the other items I could do manually. I would like login and user data with basic functionality to be transferred for people so people they don't have to recreate their accounts.

I realize that this is a relatively basic migration of database tables but also realize that I might be expected to pay something and am prepared to do so.

9 years 10 months ago
  • Paul's Avatar
  • Paul
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Hi Scot,

Jomsocial sits on top of the joomla user so if you are a joomla user then you are a jomsocial user. We dont have any kind of migration tool and would not be able to offer that kind of service. I would suggest you look at a component like this or contact a developer to help you with the process. Migration is outside the scope of our support i'm sorry

Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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