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Avatars of members show stretched and deformed on mobile phone view

6 years 10 months ago
JomSocial Active

the avatar sections in show stretched and deformed on mobile phone views. I don't understand this because it shows fine if you tilt the phone on its side but as soon as it is a traditional phone view (with the phone upright) the images are stretched. I have attached two pictures one with the phone on its traditional view and the other with the phone on its side to help you to see. I have provided login details for you including a members in case you wish to load an image

6 years 10 months ago
JomSocial Active

Please note you have already set yourself an account within, you can use the above member account (sent with the login) also to have a look at the action

6 years 10 months ago
JomSocial Active GURU Active Publisher Active AdAgency Active iSEO Active Socialize Active

The issue is from your template.
It adds max-width 100% on the thumbnail that creating the problem.
You can comment this code to fix it.
Also, i noticed you are using the outdated Jomsocial version with Joomla3.8.5
I suggest you to upgrade Jomsocial to use it with Joomla 3.8.5


Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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