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Photos are taking VERY long to upload into: mails, albums,activity streams.

8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

ISSUE SUMMARY: users are not able to add photos in activity stream of groups,private emails, and groups photo albums.

1 Go to a group
2 add photos to the activity stream wall
3 photos doesn't finish upload
RESULT Photos doesn't finish upload
EXPECTED RESULT photos upload and photo avatar shows
BROWSER firefox, chrome

1 Create an album in a group
2 add photos to that album

result : no photos in album because photos are not done uploading after long wait
expected result: photos are upload and trigger frontpage activities.

8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sébastien.

Please provide us working administrator credentials.
I can't login to your site.
Please, edit your first post and add credentials to corresponding fields.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

Hello Please try again,
Admin should be working with these credentials.
No photos work in groups. or emails or discussions.

8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sebastien.

Could you restore Joomla! default template Protostar?
I need to test if same things happen under other, simple template.

here I describe how to do it:

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

Done, added prostar

8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

Site is live. Switching templates will not be good idea. :(

8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sebastien.

I changed template only for about 5 minutes for debugging.
It seems that your issue was causing by Joomla! caching. I disabled it and now photo can be uploaded in groups without issues.
Also your Session Lifetime was too high so I corrected it. t shouldn't be higher than 60 minutes.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sébastien
8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

Hello Michal,
It's not working for me. I tried with firefox and no luck.
With conservative cache disabled and enabled.
I've used the same conservative cache settings since 2 years ago and no such problem before. Even after I updated to latest Jomsocial I'm still facing the issue.
When you join a group and try to upload a photo to "group wall" it doesn't finish upload.
same in discussions and inbox.

8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sébastien.

It does work after caching is disabled. I disabled also sh404sef because when it's enabled I can't see group I created (URL is wrong).
I prepared a screen cast where you can see that I can upload photos in a group.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

in addition, this is not the first time this problem happens with Jomsocial, we had that also 3-4 years back, and they fixed it.

I can provide you with a fix as follow:
- opent the file /components/com_community/assets/release_32/js/bundle.js
- do a search to find the string:

var b="index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=ajaxPreview"

- replace it with:

var b=joms.BASE_URL + "index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=ajaxPreview"

- save the file
- clear your browser cache and try uploading an image.

The guys from Sh404SEF helped fixed the wall problem. But adding photos to group albums and user albums don't work!!!
Please help!

8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

As you can see in the attached file.when user upload photo, it stop and never finished.

8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sebastien.

Please, disable sh404sef, clear browser cache and try to upload photo in album again.
This issue seems to be caused also by sh404sef .

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
8 years 9 months ago
JomSocial Expired

Obviously this suggested solution is not possible. The site is built on URLs, links... and I've been using Sh404SEF for a while and all my URL and links are optimized to be cleaner than original joomla/jomsocial URLs. So disabling this component permanently would kill my SEO. And lots of work to get the right back links again.

I'm a little disappointed that there's no collaboration in Joomla component developers. Two of the most popular joomla products ( joomla, Sh404SEF) can not work together and complement each other on the simplest thing like adding photos to an album.
Lately, all users can not add photos to albums, group walls, discussion walls, inbox.


8 years 9 months ago

Hi, Sebastien.

Issue is caused by sh404sef... but you want to use it.
I agree that we need to cooperate with sh404sef developers. I already reported this to our devs.

So please, try this fix. Do safe copy of those files:


Then upload content of package to main Joomla! folder on server.
Next clear your browser cache and try if issue persist.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you

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