I just need to be linked to some docs concerning this and how to get started. I see help links on the backend which leads to a bunch of videos that doesn't even work. Is it a wiki page available?
I also read that Joomla SEO 101 Online Mastery was supposed to be a free course. Whenever I try to access it, its trying to make me pay. Maybe I did something wrong when ordering? I dunno, just need a little direction.
Hi, Arthur.
There are no docs but rather video tutorials:
I'm very interested in Optimizing my photo albums. I've been trying to do so based on what videos I've seen but photo and album shares are just not working out like I was hoping. It barely shows the images I want it show, nor does the meta desc show up. And tutorials out there for this in particular?
Hi, Arthur.
That's all videos we have.
There are no additional docs.
Ooook. Well could I get some help with my albums? Here is an LIVE example:
Backend Setup:
HI, ARthur.
I assign iSEO developer to this thread.
Hi, Arthur.
Alin means app that is fetching data and share them on other site.
In this case they are FB and G+.
Both of them ignore meta tags and use open graph data:
iSEO works for meta tags, not for open graph data - those are taken from JomSocial.
Share apps use meta tags ONLY if there are no open graph data.
Conclusion is:
iSEO works as designed - it changes page meta tags.
Meta tags are ignored by G+ and FB as they use open graph meta data.
Please, hold on, we need to talk with developers if we can do something about it.
Hi, Arthur.
Meta tags and open graph tags will be rebuild in JomSocial 4.2.
Changing this now has no use as this feature in deep in application root.
I'm sorry but you'll have to wait... or hack code on your own.
I originally bought Sh404SEF for all of this, but being I couldn't get any real support between you guys and them (kept being incompatible) so I was hoping this ext would help with the issues of my posts not showing up correctly. So now I have two ext that can't help with Jomsocial and my shares.
Hi, Arthur.
There is solution for this... but it's a core hack.
Core hacks are not recommended nor supported as they may not working with future JomSocial releases and/or cause issues that will be not supported. Users with core files hack refuse to upgrade their installation to keep those hacks and they are stuck with outdated and unsupported versions.
But if you want to give it a try:
1. Edit this file (do safe copy before editing):
2. Remove this code (from line 110 - 154):
self::addOpengraph('og:type', $type);
self::addOpengraph('og:url', JURI::getInstance()->toString());
self::addOpengraph('og:title', $title);
/* Generate description if not provided */
if ($description === null) {
/* Use Joomla! global description if menu description is not provided */
if (!isset($menuDescription) || $menuDescription == '') {
$description = JFactory::getConfig()->get('MetaDesc');
} else {
$description = $menuDescription;
if (trim($description) != '') {
self::addOpengraph('og:description', trim(strip_tags($description)));
if ($images !== null) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
self::addOpengraph('og:image', $image, true);
switch ($type) {
* @link https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph/object-type/website
case 'website':
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=videos&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:site_name', JFactory::getConfig()->get('sitename'));
* @link https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph/object-type/profile/
case 'profile':
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=videos&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:see_also', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=display'), true);
self::addOpengraph('og:site_name', JFactory::getConfig()->get('sitename'));