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And I am getting the following error:
This page isn’t working
{mywebsite}.com redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
I think that I messed up something in the configuration. It may have something to do with the JomSocial Profile types plugin from Readbytes too. I am also using JSN metro Jomsocial template. I am not sure where to begin to fix this. Can you assist me with resolving this issue?
The XIPT developers said that the error log points to JomSocial as causing the error. I have attached the error log. I provided admin and ftp info in my previous post.
This message has an attachment file. Please log in or register to see it.
I have completely uninstalled XIPT component. Now when I click on register, I get the profile type options... when I select one, I get a page with an empty box with nothing to fill out.