Hello Dimas,
i see this Problem again and agin, ....It seems that I liked a photo of a guy but I didn´t.
This happen 3 days ago:
I have gone through the older thread link and it was suggested that the stream will show the likes and the likes that are already in the DB will not be deleted automatically.
Anyways on your screenshot its, not the photo, there is like on the Profile of that user. Please check if you accidentally click on it.
You can open the same user profile again and click dislike profile.
I tried to do this but my access is blocked by admin tool:
Hi, no i do not click a few times accidentally on it, and how i said, other user of mine complain about the same issue! Also another JS Customer, but it happen seldom.
And no i can´t dislike this, i can only delete this activity, (but this activity is not in my personal stream)
=> i have opend for indonesia for Dimas, is it possible to send him this issue?
Dimas is no longer working with the team now. For other user thread, the issue was resolved after disabling the user points.
Could you try the same, also the likes is not from photo its the profile like.
Kindly let me know the issue and i will check it from starting point for you and help you to fix it.
Can u allow the access via admin tool?
Also, let me know what is the current issue because Likes are not auto-generated it only happened when you clicked on some profile like button.
And to remove it either need to edit the DB or open the same user profile and click on like button again to remove that like.
Hello Pankaj,
I know that is not auto-generated and i have said, i have NOT clicked on this profile "like button" => THIS is the Problem,...my members is complaining also the same.
When i look on this Profile which seems i liked, it`s possible to click on LIKE! Something is wrong. I think there is something happen in the same time in the backround maybe Cache Problem i don´t know. I have to analyse this.
I asked you in wich Country do you live so i can give you Access, but that does not matter now, I think we could talk a whole week around it and nothing will happen=> i will try to write with other JS user
Hi. I gain similar issue:
I got message in global notification “userX tagged you there” (tagged at comment by using @). But this userX was online 2 years ago (and this is 100% because user was “freazed” by changing his email and password by admin, so he couldn’t be online).
I asked users and they confirmed problem.
Also before Users noticed problem only with “userA post new comment to video ***” activity in stream (not with likes). I don’t sure about likes.
In my case:
1) userA posted comment on video (he is first commentator).
2) UserB, userC, usedD... comments the same video.
3) UserE comments video.
Expected result: stream should display “userE posted new comment to video”.
Real result (sometimes): stream display “userA post new comment to video”.
>>>I noticed, It display userA (not B, C, D or E) because userA is first commentator<<<
This the only hint. I don’t create topic because it can’t be replicated easily (seems it’s random).
I used this solution (but it can’t be used as fix):
1) turn on “bump option” in backend so in stream I can see 2 similar activity (it’s useless to display both):
a) ”userA post new comment to video”
b) “UserZ added video” + 3 latest comments.
2)I edited some file to turn off “a”-activity.
Now when somebody comments video, I can see only ”UserZ added video” + 3 latest comments and there is not now problems with fake commentators.
Disabling user points rule not is solution, because users will not earn points if comments video. So I had to customize some file...
I'll try to help.
@SleepyMan I'm afraid You're problem is different than the one presented in the first post of this thread. Can You please start a new thread to not confuse other users affected with this problem when I'll try to fix the problem with likes? Thank You in advance.
@lion I think we can get into a bottom of this, but I will need Your help:
1. I will need You to unlock Poland in Admin Tools.
2. WIll need an access to phpmyadmin
3. Access to joomla panel
4. An access to account where this surprised likes can be seen and also an url to the page where You've made those screenshots.
I'm hoping this will let me recognize if the click was done by another user and misinterpreted.
Hello Piotr,
i tried this one: i went to my admin account which have such "Profile like" and i do realy click on "like", and click imediatly on dislike. Now i can see nothing, this Profile which was liked from my admin account is away. I informed my all users to know that this is a Bug and to delete such "like", i don´t know where this comes. 6 Months ago my users and i have the same Problem. How often this realy appears i don´t know.
I will inform you again, please let this Topic open.
Ok. Please let me know as soon as You have an example of this problem. I really think it' may be misjudged by script and linked with a wrong user or something like that, but to tell it it's necessary to have such record in database to make tests on it.