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Registering on JomSocial is slightly more complex than FB because of custom fields so 2(3) stage account creation is needed. If you want to display first step of registration to unregistered users take a look at Flat template:
You can modify
and insert:
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('com_community', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
if (!class_exists('CommunityRegisterController')) {
require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT .DS. 'controllers' .DS. 'register.php');
$controller = new CommunityRegisterController();
instead of <form class="joms-form joms-js-form--login" ... </form> block.
This modification will load first register step instead of login form. That means that you need to implement login form in other location just like FB solution.
Sure, modify same file:
and put same code:
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('com_community', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
if (!class_exists('CommunityRegisterController')) {
require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT .DS. 'controllers' .DS. 'register.php');
$controller = new CommunityRegisterController();
where is needed.
Since Socialize looks like default jomsocial template the part of guest.php that needs to be modified is in section
<div class="joms-landing__cover"> ... </div> that is responsible for displaying landing image (<div class="joms-landing__image" ... </div>), landing text (<div class="joms-landing__text"> ... </div>) and register button (<div class="joms-landing__signup"> ... </div>). Each of these sections if inside an [if ... endif] loop since sections can be enabled/disabled from settings.
Always make backups of file that you modify so you can revert changes to default when/if error is made.
Inserting additional <form> will mess up that section so some css modifications will be needed.