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Jomsocial too slow!

8 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Expired

my JomSocial is starting to be very slow.
When it's loading wall (activities) content it lasts more than 5 seconds until it is fully loaded. I have already reduced the number of activities loaded per page to 5.
Can you help me diagnose what is slowing it down and steps I can take to speed it up? I'd really appreciate any advice you can give to me.
I am almost ready to launch but this is big trouble.
Thank you

8 years 2 months ago


slow issue realted with big size data of site. your server not performing well for that.
you can delete "old" activities data, or delete sent mail under mail queue, or delete "never logged in" users.

and please consult this issue with your server support.


8 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Expired

it is only testing site yet. There is almost no content, 10 users and no traffic really. I cannot optimize that. But in the real traffic, I expect there 2 million users. How that will look like? Have you tested JomSocial for that high number of users?

8 years 2 months ago


please consulting this issue with your hosting support. seem the slow issue with the server it self. maybe the server configuration too small and shared hosting.


8 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Expired

I have a virtual server only for me!
I discussed this issue with hosting provider and they say that problem is on JomSocial side. It takes now 5 seconds before everything is loaded on the wall.
Do you have any ideas how to speed it up?

8 years 2 months ago


please make a test site, after that install joomla + jomsocial without any 3rd party extensions.
let see the result with test site. seem the issue related with customization that you made.


Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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