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Migrate Jomsocial 1.8.7 to 4.0.2 (Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3.6)

9 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Active iSEO Expired Socialize Expired

I'm trying to migrate my actual Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3.6
Some part of the website is already moved and some components, now i'm on the process of migrate Jomsocial content however is not working as expected as the Joomsocial installer never finishes.

I copied all prefix_community_* tables from old database to new database and changed the prefix so it match the new one.
After that i installed iJoomla-Installer-Updater
Said to me that Joomsocial Pro was not installed so i click to install it and the process started however never finishes, is always on the step of: Upgrading database

I think i have done the correct steps to migrate content from old installation to new one am I wrong?
Can you help me with the process?

Best regards.

9 years 2 months ago

Hi, Abraham.

Please provide us working administrator credentials.
I can't login to your site backend.
Please, edit your first post and add credentials to corresponding fields.

- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.

- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
9 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Active iSEO Expired Socialize Expired

I don't know why your are not able to login, the details provided work perfect. They are for the Joomla3 website not for the old Joomla 1 and i tested and i was able to log in.
The problem comes after because Joomsocial didn't finished the installation and now shows this message:

Unknown column 'a.cover' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.`userid` as _userid , a.`status` as _status , a.`points`	as _points, a.`posted_on` as _posted_on, a.`avatar`	as _avatar , a.`cover`	as _cover , a.`thumb`	as _thumb , a.`invite`	as _invite, a.`params`	as _cparams, a.`view`	as _view, a.`friends` as _friends, a.`groups` as _groups, a.`events` as _events, a.`friendcount` as _friendcount, a.`alias` as _alias, a.`profile_id` as _profile_id, a.`storage` as _storage, a.`watermark_hash` as _watermark_hash, a.`search_email` as _search_email, s.`userid` as _isonline, u.* FROM `ukeb2_community_users` as a LEFT JOIN `ukeb2_users` u ON u.`id`=a.`userid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ukeb2_session` s ON s.`userid`=a.`userid` AND s.`client_id` !='1' WHERE a.`userid`='64'

Can you show a screen cap please of your login failed message.
Best regards

9 years 2 months ago
JomSocial Active iSEO Expired Socialize Expired

I needed to perform a tier update before and later install the iJoomla-Installer-Updater
After that seems that install process finished ok, i will need to test if everthing has been moved fine.

Best regards

Moderators: Piotr Garasiński
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