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I need to upgrade from JomSocial 2.6.2 to latest possible one (currently on latest Joomla 2.5.28, last of this branch).
I have found the following address, with information regarding upgrading old versions:
and there is a page to old version to upgrading step by step, but I get a 404
(Error 404)
Where do I find older JomSocial versions to upgrade step by step? or is there another way?
I have many custom fields in current JomSocial to be upgraded to current version.
Thanks for help!
I now found the following information:
But I am having doubts how to proceed correctly. You wrote "actually you can update to the latest version directly"! Does that mean I download the very latest version 3.2.15 and install it with the extension manager and then I apply the patch for 2.6.2 ?
OR do I update/patch as stated in
? if yes, which one do I use then, patch upgrade 3.2 ? (or step by step, one patch after the other?)
Sorry, but it is somewhat confusing to me and I want to do it right, not to loose all the hard work I did with the custom fields (I do have backups, of course :)
Thanks for help!
I urgently need a repy on this issue!
Is there some sort of support I can call ? I am willing to pay more money, next to the subscription I paid for already for a few years now.