Welcome the Technical Support section. Help us in assisting you by providing us with a concise and descriptive elaboration of your issues. Be specific and if possible, provide us with a step-by-step instruction in replicating your problem.
I do not understand how support works. Is it via the community or is it early someone from the support team can help in installing the product?
I appreciate if someone can have a look at this soon.
Unfortunately you've to enter some live domain to the my account page to install JomSocial on your site, but of course you can also try to install with our old method described here >
but please keep in mind that local sites are not covered with our support.
Thank you very much - -;). I like the bullet points listed below the reply - Would you be kind to remove the IP address in my last email
I was not aware this thread is public. It was not to useful at the end to provide it to you. I will test the method you described and I will come back to you.
Done, and since the issue is resolved then let me close and mark this thread as solved , have a great day! and if you need our further help, please feel free to create a new thread.