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I am trying to install this ext on a test site for testing before I put it on my live site. The domain path is
So I put techbranchdev.com/OnlineFishingTournamentLive/ on the listed domains I plan to install this ext on under my account, my downloads! When I go to install using the ijoomla installer I get this error (Error connecting to the server: %s Invalid URL). I also tried just using the main domain of techbranchdev,com with the same error. Please advise on what can be causing this issue.
Also if I change the list under Domains you wish to install this product on do I need to re-download the software. (does it modify the download package based on sites you have listed?)
Could you try to install JomSocial with installation package? As far I know we've some problems with the installator, so I strongly recomend to try with standard installation package.
Can you send me the link for standard installation method. I am only seeing instructions for installing using the installer. I am installing for first time on joomla 2.5 site. Thanks,
This link you sent is how to install using the installer, you said to install without using installer. What is the procedure to install without using the installer?