When a member of our website clicks on a link in the menu "guru teacher registration", then he will get the error message "Site is just available for teachers".
This does not make sense ?????
So, how can a member of our website be a teacher?
The links (register and panel) for students seem to be ok. But the links for teachers (bot register and panel) seem to have problem. So, right now, it is not possible for users to register as teachers in the frontend.. When can you fix this?
I checked your site and there is no menu for teacher registration.
I created a test menu test/login/authorprofile
And try the registration there is no issue:
please try to register with above menu and check.
i see the link you've created. Please test the link by yourself while you are logged in as a website member. Then it is not working. When a website member clicks on the link there is the error message: "This site is just available for teachers".
And when a non-logged in member clicks the link, the link opens, but when the user puts in own username and password, he can not log-in.. With the student options there is no problem. Just with the teacher....
If your user already is registerd in your site but is not a teacher in Guru, that user can not become a teacher from front-end, you can just create that user a teacher from Guru back-end. One user can be a teacher in Guru only if that user register as a new user from Guru teacher registration page.
Kind Regards,
can this be fixed in future updates? Because existing users are wondering why they can not become a teacher, while new users easily can register as a teacher. And to let the users register additional account just to be a teacher is not a good way. So we have to create own forms on the website where users can tell us they want to be a teacher and we have to do it manually in the backend. This is much of work for us without.
With the students options it is possible to register at any time, even for already registered users. This should just be the same for teachers...
You have right, I created a ticket for developers so we add some modifications in the teacher registration process for the future.
The Guru update is announced via Blog post and we will share the changelog of topics as well.
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