- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.
- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
Then you posted in wrong forum category and didn't mentioned that is apply to Guru.
I'll move your thread to correct category and report this to our developers.
- Instead of saying: 'it's not working', explain the problem in detail.
- Screenshots with the URL visible in them and the problem marked are more than welcome.
- Tell us how to replicate the problem, we can't fix it if we can't find it.
- Make sure that your site/server meets JomSocial System Requirements
- Make sure to setup JomSocial Cron Job
- Always provide us with access details to the backend and ftp. We need it to debug problems.
- If you have a similar problem, but a solution you found isn't working, open a new thread instead of 'merging' with an existing one.
- Use the "Thank You" feature on any post that helped you
This is not a bug, I tested on our servers and I attached a print screen with message received. All that messages are coming from Joomla, not from Guru.
I think that there are some settings or issues with Joomla alert system, please have a test on Joomla login page, is doing the same, no alert at all:
As soon alerts will be fixed in Joomla, Guru will start display them.