Please provide us with working administrator credentials.
I can't login to your site.
Please, edit your first post and add credentials to corresponding fields.
Hi Michal,
Is it possible to walk me through the solution here?
I have changed the permission setting for the folder where the image is to 777 and the problem still persist.
The .htaccess file has been deleted to ensure that this is not a .htaccess issue.
No, I have to see it as causes of this issue could be more than one...
Ok, since there are more than one cause to this problem! Name me two possible causes other than the two that I have already identified.
You really need to be more convincing than just saying there is more than one cause to this to convince me that you know what you are talking about in Guru.
So explain the possible causes in this forum.
I do not wish to let just anyone to go into admin area just beacause I purchased an extension from you.
Especially when previous support issues here about Guru has been questionable.
Most of issues are site related, so to find exact cause we need to take a look into your system.
Also I said "could be" not "there are"... I'm sorry but we can't give you answer or advice if we can't even examine your issue.
Like I mentioned earlier, you need to walk me through what you are looking for first.
I am not interested in giving out admin access to my site just because you say so. Especially when previous support quality here about Guru has been questionable.
When all you can say is give me site access, I am thinking that you may not even be familiar enough with Guru to help at this point.
Hi Jomsocial newbie,
The image in the first post is showing that the add media options are set correctly or you wouldn't be able to see that page. I have tested this page on my own test site and i am getting the browse button on all browsers so that is eliminated as well.
The only other thing i can think of is
1. maybe there is a ccs conflict with that button style, while this would be unlikely can you switch the site template to prostar then see if the button appears, if not then the template is ruled out
2. Because you have Jomsocial installed if you can upload photo in that product without any errors then this to me eliminates the possibility of a server error.
3. Can you please see if the browse button appears for other items like audio , video, etc if it does then we have narrowed it down to just this page, if they don't show for all sections then it looks like a css clash.
I'm not sure what browser you are using but if its google chrome or firefox can you right click where the button should appear and look for any errors in the element inspector, if there are none then we really would need to login at least from the front end to see what maybe the issue, even if you create an account then give it teacher access and add that info into your post
Let me know how you get on.
FYI we are also in the process of adding access for you into the Guru forum on Ijoomla so it will match this account, you should receive a few new email notifications as this is happening . If this happens before this issue is resolved please let me know so we don't end up dealing with this issue across two support forums and create further frustration for you.
Hi Paul,
Thank you very much for this.
I have just received access to the iJoomla Support Forum and will be following up with them on this.
I really appreciate your help in all this and thank you again.
I will close this issue here and proceed onto the iJoomla Guru Pro forum for further support on this.
Thank you!