Hy, please help us, we are going mad...
We really need to use the jomsocial group system.
After a lot of test we see that when a user comment a post in group, he is not notified when someone answer to his comment.
The problem is that if users don t know when someone give them an answer, it s not possible to make move a social network.
So we decided to creat member profil instead of group. When a user comment something on a friend wall, he is notified when someone give an answer to his comment. This can work great for what we need to do.
But now, we see that users can t post photo on friend wall. In an old post you tell that this is the way to work of jomsocial, like facebook, but on facebook we can share photo on friend wall.
So we hack the code, to enable sharing photo box on friend wall. the problem is that actually, user can post a photo on a friend profil wall, but after the pics is not in displaying on the friend wall but on the user wall. This is normal.
But after 3 week of intensive work, after have bought a lot of add on for jomsocial, and after spend a lot of money using freelancer, we are blocked. No way to obtain what we want with jomsocial. And what we need is really simple.
So please, help us, we just need notification on group comment or hability to post pics on friends wall, this is not unusual for a social network i think.
I tested on JomSocial on Joomla! 3.3.6 and I receive email notifications for group posts and post comments:
It means that feature:
Email/internal notification for group status comments
Is present and should work.
I've checked your JomSocial settings and in Backend -> Components -> JomSocial -> Configuration -> Privacy ALL boxes for Email notifications are checked-out.
It mean that ALL emails regarding ANY activity will be NOT sent.
And this seems to happen:
In fact, i f i published something in a group, 'photo or link' , and if a user comment this, i m not notified, even if we are friend. So i will never know that he has answered to my post. Except if i activate mail notification, but noone wants to received 50 mails a day...
You can see on this printscreen that notification is also sent:
I also tested this on your dev site:
1. I registered user michal
2. As user sav24 joined group and posted status there
3. Logged in as michal, joined group, posted a status and comment to sav24 post
4. Logged in as sav24 and in notification bar I saw 3 notifications (1 was old) and as you can see on printscreen it shows notification that michal postend new post in group and commented previous sav24 post.
Everything works fine here...
Thanks, we made some more test. problem is still present.
there is 2 points.
1- in group.
member X post. other members are notified OK
member Y comment member X is notified OK
Member X answer to the comment of member Y. No notification. so no more comment, end of the discuss
2- in group
Member X share a photo.
no notification are sended to the others members of the group. so noone can see the photo.
So i m really sorry but it s still a big problem for us.
A social network is a place where people can share an discuss...if they can t share on photo or if they never now when womeone give an answer to their comment it s not good. So please Help? at less give us the way to make it work.
Thanks for all
Issues you described are different that originally you posted here.
So to be honest you should open new thread for them - separated thread for each.
But ok. I also tested groups and I agree - there is no notification for comment response and for new photos.
There is only for new album.
I'll update you with a fix when it will be ready - but you need to be aware that it will take a while.