Hello, today I was started editing and cleaning my sitemaps and I have stumbled accidentally upon one error. Two of my deleted events got shared before deleting on site and if you follow that url you will get this error instead of 404 page or something similar.
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.
Thank you
Zdravo Gorane!
Thank you for contacting us.
Please, let me know where the ware shared or what their URL are - so I could see the issue myself.
Cześć Michal, urls were shared to facebook and twitter but I have removed them from social networks.
Urls are in first post but here are they again:
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.
When clicked urls show my root dir thats why I put them in hidden mode. Do you see complete post Michal?
Zdravo Gorane!
Dobra, I see them. So error is:
Too few arguments to function CEventsAccess::eventsView(), 1 passed in /home3/p7c2d9v1/public_html/components/com_community/helpers/access/events.php on line 31 and exactly 2 expected
I'll pass this to our developers. I hope to hear from them ASAP.
Ok Michal. :)
For now I will make 301 redirect to prevent users from seeing this error.
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.
Dziękuję Ci Michal!
Zdravo Gorane!
Your site backend is htaccess protected. Please, edit your first post and provide additional credentials.
Zdravo Gorane!
Hvala! :)