ISSUE SUMMARY:Hello, I've had a little learning curve getting used to AdAgency and finally got it working on the site. However, now on the front page where we have, of course, a big image slider in the header, when I have the ads turned on it interferes with the slider. The first image will show but there is text that moves in over the image that does not show. And there are 3 slides and #2 and #3 dont' show at all. Just white.
If I turn off AdAgency the header works like normal.
The theme is "Classified" from Shape5. The slider is in the modules called "Home Page Slider" FYI
1Go to AdAgency>Managers>Zones and turn on the zone.
2 Go to the front of the site and refresh the page .
RESULT Ad appears but notice the text is gone. And 2nd and 3rd image do not appear
EXPECTED RESULT Ad to appear but header to be unaffected.
BROWSER Firefox 40.0.3