Spanish Translation - V.1.8.7 - FrontEnd - Modules - PlugIns


To many file ask for overwrite
Hello the are a problem, I, dont know what to do when moving file from 2.-Cargar los archivos en las capetas MODULES y APPLICATIONS en: /administrator/language/es-ES one file apear tha exist already and ask for overwrite, what to do in this case? And once again: 3.- Cargar los archivos en la carpeta XML en: /plugins/community other file called friendslocation.xml ask for overwrite and the file latestphoto ask for overwrite again, system.xml and wall.xml Feed xml too. group.xml and many more, in my case I set tu overwrite everithing but I don't know the next problem after that, i hope you can tell me what going on with this, because you have make great extension, thank you very much.
Owner's reply

Overwrite them....


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