Hello friends! Its time to built a new website and i need tips for layout. Can you share your webpage url with jomsocial..
If you run a website for music/webradio im more than happy if you share your url with me.. Thanks and an early merry Christmas to u all.
Merav, i cant find you on my list. But i would be happy if you can update this articel that i found when google..
www.ijoomla.com/blog/one-set-of-joomla-users-multi… - I should be great if this artical can support Joomla 3.x .. Thanks!
Jomsocial: A request! Add admin notification in the back-end so i dont have to login with admin in front.
Anyone knows if ther is a plugin or component for dropbox/onedrive that i can use as remote storage for jomsocial?
Jomsocial: I got a white page when i click "has like your comment" in notification. I cant post the link...
Anyone knows how i can make a buttom in activate-email with the text "Activate your accont!".. Something like "more" at the end of stream, blue with White text
I really hope that snapchat and other shit chat messager is going to be forbidden.. In sweden we have big problems with boys and girl in young age that being bullied...
1 week without a computer..... Now im back
Any one that can recommend a weather module that works with user ip adress and show weather for that city.. Not a city i select.. If its free, its 5 stars
Hello music friend! Any "tip of the day" today? I want to hear some new trance music.. You have good taste therefore i ask
Jonas. Kolla in 3T layouter. Jag tror Socialize är byggt på det.. De är dessutom gratis
How can it be that cloudflare works so dame good and its absolute free...
I'm impressed - All test i do gives me almost top point since i started to use cloudflare..
A new storm is coming over Sweden. This is the third storm since last December ... Boring! - feeling irritated