i should not be able to write on your timeline if we aren't friends ...
Xristoph ConradActually Andrew there's a new configuration setting that is "Allow Everyone To Comment" which may be the reason. It's kind of weird but we're testing this feature now. Allows for more interaction until users gain friends on the system9 years ago
SaovryI am not friend with Xristoph Conrad but I can write on his timeline. Question : unfriends can tag with each too?
9 years ago
Andrewi see your point Xtrisoph , but thats kinda of a privacy invade there despite jomsocial being a small community ,, your wall is your wall main stream is main stream ,, how it is now my wall and main stream seems like the same place . but dont let that stop us from enjoying swet #4.1 ... leave that for 4.1.x9 years ago
Xristoph Conradi like options... i like lots of options!!9 years ago
Xristoph ConradYes Saovry unless the respected users have blocked one another.... if I were to block you, I doubt I'd get notified of your tag. Lot's of cool features releasing soon, I'm getting excited. Just please please please be BUG free. ; -)9 years ago