Display member's and group's albums (videos) at "All...

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SleepyMan Discussion started by SleepyMan 7 years ago

Suggestion #1: Display "All albums" at photo gallery page.

Right now when user click on "Photos" menu item, he see only "Member Albums". Most of visitors doesn't know about extra "Group Albums" and group's albums doesn't get views => active users don't want to add photos to group.

Expected result: http://prntscr.com/h9klar

Related topic: How to make group's album more easy to find? https://www.jomsocial.com/forum/photos-videos/37026-how-to-make-group-s-album-more-easy-to-find
Suggestion #2: Display "All videos" and "Group videos" at gallery gallery page.

In this case "All videos" section display both "Member videos" and "Public groups videos" but doesn't display "Private group videos". So this videos doesn't get views => active users don't want to add videos to private group because it difficult to find.

Expected result: http://prntscr.com/h9kqw3

Related topic: Video gallery doesn't display Private group's videos https://www.jomsocial.com/forum/photos-videos/37712-video-gallery-doesn-t-display-private-group-s-videos


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